Are You Hurting?

From Pastor Burdette’s Desk:  Now serving in my fifth church over the past 25 plus years and meeting so many people from all kinds of backgrounds, there is one common ground that always resurfaces.  Other than the fact that we all have the common bond of Jesus Christ, I also see that many of us are hurting for one reason or another from things in our past.  Many of them are things that we brought upon ourselves by making the wrong decision somewhere along the road.

But, unfortunately too many times we hear of story after story of good church folks getting hurt in a church somewhere along the way.  It happens too often to so many innocent people.  It is not how God designed it to be in His church, but because we are human it continues to happen again and again.

I truly believe that Shadnor First Baptst Church can and will be a place of healing for these types of people.  You’re not that unique, you’re on just about every pew in every church.  You just need to be loved on by God’s people in a special way that can transform your life if you will let it.

Your Heavenly Father wants you to heal and we want to be His hands and His ears.  We want to listen to you, hold you and help you to put it all behind you as you move forward!  Please never give up on the Lord or even His church.  There is supernatural healing available to us all, if we will just reach out and take it.

If I can ever help you in any way or if you just need someone to listen to you ramble for a little while, my door is always open.  And if you don’t want to talk about it, just come and mingle amongst our people and I promise you will feel the love of Christ!

Shadnor Church once served as a hospital during the civil war for the wounded.  That was right before Sherman burned it to the ground.  But Jesus said, “The gates of hell shall not prevail against His church.”  We believe we are still to be a hospital for the wounded.

Psalm 118:8 – “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” 

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